우리 팀

Peter Cole

Complaint Specialist

Peter is one of Casino Guru’s Complaint Specialists, working hard to keep our database of online casinos in check and supporting our casino review team. Prior to joining Casino Guru, he decided to fulfill his passion for cooking by working in various interesting establishments. Although the job itself was extremely fulfilling, Peter realized that in order to really make his mark in the industry, he’d either have to be very lucky or dedicate many years of his life to reaching his goal.

He ultimately decided to take a more ambitious route – he joined the Casino Guru team with the hopes of making his mark and gaining valuable experience in the process.

From collecting and playing various musical instruments to drawing and cooking, Peter likes all things creative. His biggest passion right now, however, is music. Wanting to create his own stuff in the future, Peter is on a mission to get the equipment and knowledge needed to make his dream a reality.


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