안녕하세요, LTC카지노에 문제가 있습니다.
2일 전에 라이트코인으로 돈을 입금했는데 그 후 얼마 지나지 않아 다시 계좌에 접속하려고 했는데 갑자기 계좌가 비활성화되었어요;(
그런 다음 지원팀에 편지를 쓰려고 했습니다. 하지만 그들은 단 한 번만 연락해서 말했습니다.
"플랫폼 보안 조치로 인해 귀하의 계정이 잠겼습니다.
복잡한 검토 후 다시 연락드리겠습니다.
LTC 카지노"
그 후에는 아무 일도 일어나지 않았습니다.
그 후 라이브 채팅을 통해 연락을 시도했지만 어떻게 연락해도 즉시 차단되어 채팅이 닫혔다고 표시되고 새 채팅을 열 수 없습니다. 아마도 IP 주소가 차단된 것 같습니다.
나는 지금까지 많은 새로운 티켓을 만들었지만 지금까지는 희망이 없습니다.
Google 로그인을 통해 계정이 생성되었습니다.
s************@googlemail.com 또는 s************@gmail.com
그 후에 s**************@gmail.com을 통해 만든 2번째 계정입니다.
아직 차단되지 않았는데 여기서 뭔가 이상하네요
환불 요청이 승인되어 성공적으로 전송되었습니다.
1.09404799 LTC가 귀하의 주소로 전송되었습니다: MLd6hrW9J4yfbc1ibgXfJzjg***********. 송장 ID는 7*****입니다.
돈이 흘러간 곳이 바로 여기이고 ltc Casino에서도 삭제되었습니다.
Hello, I have problems with the ltc casino.
I deposited money in litecoin 2 days ago and shortly afterwards I wanted to access the account again and suddenly my account was deactivated;(
Then I tried to write to support. But they only contacted me once and said
"Your account got locked due to platform security measurements.
We will contact you back after complex checking.
Best regards,
LTC Casino"
After that, nothing more happened.
After that I tried to reach out to them via live chat but no matter how I contact them they block me immediately so that it says chat closed and I can't open a new one, I guess IP address blocked
I have now created many new tickets but so far hopeless
Account was created via Google Login
Either s************@googlemail.com or s************@gmail.com
The 2nd account I created afterwards via s***********@gmail.com
Hasn't been blocked yet so something is weird here
The request for a refund was approved and has been successfully sent.
1.09404799 LTC has been sent to your address: MLd6hrW9J4yfbc1ibgXfJzjg***********. The invoice ID is 7*****.
That's where the money went and was also taken down by ltc Casino
Hallo ich habe Probleme mit dem ltc Casino.
Habe vor 2 Tagen Geld in litecoin eingezahlt und kurz danach wollte ich nochmal auf das Konto und schwupps war mein Konto deaktiviert;(
Dann habe ich probiert mit dem Support zu schreiben. Aber die haben sich nur 1x gemeldet und gesagt
"Your account got locked due to platform security measurments.
We will contact you back after complex checking.
Best regards,
LTC Casino"
Danach kam nichts mehr.
Danach habe ich probiert im Live Chat was zu erreichen aber egal wie ich mich bei denen dann melde die blockieren mich sofort so das da steht Chat geschlossen und ich kann auch kein neuen mehr aufrufen schätze IP Addresse blockiert
Habe jetzt viele neue Tickets erstellt aber bisher aussichtslos
Account ist über Google Login erstellt worden
Entweder s************@googlemail.com oder s************@gmail.com
Der 2te Account den ich danach erstellt habe über s***********@gmail.com
Ist noch nicht gesperrt worden also irgendwas ist hier komisch
The request for a refund was approved and has been successfully sent.
1.09404799 LTC has been sent to your address: MLd6hrW9J4yfbc1ibgXfJzjg**********. The invoice ID is 7*****.
Da ging das Geld hin und wurde auch von ltc Casino runtergeholt
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