Hello yes, the withdrawals were made using the same method as the. Casino indicates the. Which only has two methods, delivers the. Instant withdrawal option which is supposedly to the same account with which the deposit was made, I tried too many times and. I even asked the casino's online support and they just told me. They indicated that I should wait, they never told me that I was withdrawing through the cleo method, they only limited themselves to saying that I had to wait 12 to 24 hours, in fact I have all the photos of what they told me. They indicated at the casino, if I had really wanted to pay what I had won, they would have indicated that I was making the withdrawals in a bad way, for which. Which was never done by the casino, I will leave the photos of how bad the casino and its support are, in reality the casino did not want to pay the winnings just because it did not want anything else. 

Hola si, los retiros los realizaba del mismo método que el. Casino indica el. Cual solo tiene dos métodos, entrega la. Opción de retiro instantaneo que supuestamente es a la misma cuenta con que se deposito, intente en demaciadas oportunidades e. Incluso preguntaba en el soporte en línea del casino y solo me. Indicaban que debía esperar, jamas me dijeron que yo estaba retirando a través del método cleo, solo se limitaban en decir que había esperar de 12 a 24 horas, de hecho tengo todos las fotos de lo que me. Indicaban en el casino, si realmente hubiese querido pagar lo ganado, hubiesen indicado que estaba realizando de mala manera los retiros, para lo. Cual nunca fue realizado por el casino, dejaré las fotos de lo mal que es el casino y su soporte, en realidad el casino no quizo pagar las ganancias solo porque no quizo nada más. 

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