저는 며칠 전에 위에서 언급한 카지노에 등록하고 Skrill을 통해 입금했습니다.
1500유로의 인출을 요청했습니다.
하루만에 취소하고 1000유로를 달라고 하더군요.
출금이 성공적으로 완료되었다는 이메일을 받았고 현재로서는 어떠한 서류도 제출할 필요가 없습니다.
그런데 하루 만에 엄청난 양의 문서를 제출하라고 했고 저는 그렇게 했습니다. 마치 탈퇴 처리를 원하지 않는 것처럼 저를 힘들게 하는 것 같은 느낌이 들었습니다.
그럼에도 불구하고 그들은 내가 완전히 신원이 확인되었다고 나에게 알려주었습니다.
나는 다시 한 번 1000유로 인출을 진행했는데 그들은 다시 취소했습니다.
계속해서 출금요청과 취소를 했더니 중복된 계정이 있다는 메일이 왔습니다.
나는 과거에 계정이 있었는지 기억이 나지 않는다고 대답하고 실제로 계정이 있는지 왜 다시 등록하고 입금을 허용하고 심지어 나를 식별할 수 있는지 물었습니다.
그들의 반응은 괜찮았고 철회를 다시 진행해야 한다는 것이었습니다.
그랬더니 또 취소하더군요.
이런 일이 6번 이상 일어났습니다.
그들과 소통해주세요. 나는 그들이 돈을 지불하지 않으려고 노력하고 있다고 생각합니다.
그러나 그들은 내 예금을 기꺼이 받아들였습니다.
I registered with the above-mentioned casino a few days ago and made deposits via Skrill.
I requested a withdrawal of 1500 euros.
After a day, I cancelled it and then requested 1000 euros.
I received an email informing me that the withdrawal was successful and at this moment, I do not need to submit any documents.
However, after a day, they asked me to produce a large amount of documents, which I did. I felt as if they were giving me a hard time, like they didn't want to process the withdrawal.
Regardless, they informed me that I was fully identified.
I once again proceeded with a withdrawal for 1000 euros and they cancelled it yet again.
After continuous withdrawal requests and cancellations, they sent me an email saying that I have a duplicate account.
I replied to them stating I don't remember if I had one in the past and asked them, if I indeed had an account, why they allowed me to register again, allow deposits and even go as far as to identify me.
Their response was OK and that I should proceed with the withdrawal again.
I did and again, they cancelled it.
This has happened more than 6 times.
Please communicate with them. I believe they are trying to avoid paying the money.
However, they were more than happy to accept my deposits.
Thank you
Γεια σας
Εκανα εγγραφή στο παραπανω καζινο πριν λιγες μερες και εκανα καταθεσεις μεσω skrill.
Ζητησα αναληψη 1500 ευρω .
Μετα απο μια μερα την ακυρωσα και ζήτησα μετα 1000 ευρω.
Μου στειλανε εμαιλ οτι η αναληψη ηταν επιτυχής και προς το παρον δεν χρειαζεται να στειλω εγγραφα.
Μετα απο μια μερα μου ζητησανε ενα σωρο εγγραφα και τα εστειλα ολα . Ενιωθα οτι με παιδευανε σαν να μην ήθελαν να προχωρήσουν στην αναληψη.
Τελος παντων μου στειλανε οτι ταυτοποιηθηκα πληρως.
Προβαινω παλι στην αναληψη 1000 ευρω και ξανα μου την ακυρωνουν.
Μετα απο συνεχη αιτηματα αναληψης και ακυρωσης μου στειλανε εμαιλ οτι εχω διπλο λογ/σμο .
Τους απαντησα οτι δεν θυμαμαι αν ειχα στο παρελθον και τους ρωτησα , αν ειχα λογ/σμο γιατι μου επετρεψαν να εγγραφω ξανα , γιατι μου επετρεψαν να κανω καταθεσεις και γιατι με ταυτοποιησαν.
Μου απαντησαν οτι ΟΚ και να προβω εκ νεου στην αναληψη.
Προεβηκα και ξανα μου την ακυρωσαν.
Αυτο εχει γινει πανω απο 6 φορες.
Παρακαλώ επικοινωνηστε μαζι τους . Θεωρω οτι προσπαθουν να μην δωσουν τα χρηματα.
Τις καταθεσεις ομως τις πηρανε ευχαριστως.
Ευχαριστώ που
자동 번역:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502131140/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)