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또한 최근 패디 파워에서 얻은 상금을 승인하는 스크린샷을 제공해 주시기 바랍니다.
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고객 지원팀과 검증 프로세스에 관해 마지막으로 연락한 것은 언제였나요?
어제인 12월 10일인데 서류는 며칠 전에 업로드 되었는데도 서류가 있는지 확인도 안 하고 계속 요청만 하네요.
업로드 되었지만 승인 또는 거부되지 않았음에도 불구하고 계속 요청하는 문서는 다음과 같습니다.
"지난 3개월 동안 저희 카지노에 입금한 내역이 담긴 은행 거래 내역서를 업로드해 주시기 바랍니다.
또한, 귀하의 급여가 그의 은행 계좌에 입금되었음을 보여주는 PDF 문서가 필요합니다(지난 3개월 동안)"
당신은 어떤 종류의 게임을 해서 상금을 모았나요? 게임 플레이 중에 보너스를 사용했나요?
저는 Gates of Olympus 1000을 플레이했습니다. 보너스를 사용하지 않았고 카지노에서 보너스를 청구하지도 않았습니다. 보너스 없이 입금만 하고 실제 잔액으로 플레이했습니다.
편집: 이제 거부의 마지막 업데이트는 제공된 문서에서 나옵니다.
"귀하의 은행 계좌에 입금된 급여를 보여주는 PDF 문서가 필요합니다(지난 3개월)"
저는 이 문서를 제공했지만, 제 은행에서 이 PDF를 다운로드할 수 있는 유일한 방법은 "인쇄된 버전"으로, 하단에 은행의 URL이 표시됩니다. 그들은 그것이 허용되는 PDF가 아니며 은행에 요청해야 한다고 주장하지만, 그들은 인쇄된 버전이나 제가 제공한 온라인 은행 거래 내역서만 제공할 수 있기 때문에 제공하지 않습니다.
은행에서 인쇄한 전체 은행 거래 내역서 사진을 업로드했는데 PDF 버전을 요구하면서 수락하지 않았습니다.
저는 지금 이런 상황에 빠져있습니다.
answering your questions. There are 2 requests of documents, one official coming from live support and when they reject the withdrawals which is asking for:
"We kindly ask you to upload a bank statement with deposits to our casino visible for the past 3 months.
Also, we need a PDF document showing your salary credited to his bank account (last 3 months)"
these documents were already uploaded and no mention about them not being valid was made. Moreover, they checked them as in one thread with customer support via email (almost the only way to contact them), they made a mention based on my document provided:
We kindly ask you to clarify which account you receive your salary to.
We also kindly ask you to provide us with the screenshot approving your recent winnings at Paddy Power, please.
I have now also provided this screenshot but seems that this is a separate thread and it doesn’t come as a request when the withdrawals are rejected.
When was the last time you communicated with customer support regarding your verification process?
Yesterday, 10th of December but the documents have been uploaded several days before and they keep asking without confirming that they are there.
the documents that they keep asking for even though they are uploaded and haven’t been approved or rejected are
"We kindly ask you to upload a bank statement with deposits to our casino visible for the past 3 months.
Also, we need a PDF document showing your salary credited to his bank account (last 3 months)"
What types of games did you play to accumulate your winnings? Did you use any bonuses during gameplay?
I played Gates of Olympus 1000. I didn’t use any bonus or didn’t claim any bonus at all at the casino, I only deposited without bonuses and play with my real balance.
EDIT: now the last update of rejection comes from the document provided as
"We need a PDF document showing your salary credited to your bank account (last 3 months)"
I have provided this document, but the only way that my bank allows to download this PDF is as a "printed version", which shows the URL of the bank at the bottom. They claim that that’s not an acceptable PDF and that I must request one from the bank, which they don’t provide, as they can only provide a printed version or the online bank statement which I have provided.
I uploaded pictures of the full bank statement provided printed by the bank and they didn’t accept it asking for a PDF version.
im stuck in this scenario now.
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