900번의 당첨금 중 원래 예치금조차 인출할 수 없다는 사실을 믿기 어려웠고, 50번의 35%에 해당하는 보너스 제안을 받았지만 잠시 플레이한 결과 돈이 하나도 남지 않았습니다. 내 통장 다 상여금에 내돈도 없고 잔고는 900+ 인데 남은 금액은 상여금에 다 들어있음
I found it hard to believe that out of my 900 winnings, I cannot even withdraw money even my original deposit , I took the bonus offer which is 35% of 50 , but after playing for a while I don’t have any money left in my account, all are in the bonus money, not even my own money was there, my balance was still in the 900 + but the amount that was left was all in the bonus money