처음에는 입출금이 간편해서 거래가 좋았습니다
얻은 것보다 잃은 것이 더 많았지만 난 즐거웠어
그것은 내가 큰 승리를 거두고 철수하려고 할 때까지였습니다. 인출 후 내 계정은 상한선이 찍히고 내 은행에 상금이 입금되지 않은 후 남은 잔액이 차단되었습니다.
At first it was good easy transactions deposits and withdrawal
Lost more then I gained but I had fun
That was untill I made a great win and tried to withdraw. After the withdrawal my account was blocked remaining balance after there cap was taken and no winnings deposited to my bank.