안녕하세요 어제 바이낸스를 통해 이더리움으로 12유로 입금했는데 최소금액이 100불인줄 모르고 정상입금했는데 보고나서 채팅으로 얘기했더니 알려주실때까지 안내해주셨어요 바이낸스 내부에서 돈을 잃어버렸다고 하면 정상적으로 지갑으로 보내져서 주머니에 들어갔다고 합니다.. 12€를 받지 않으면 뭐라고 말해야 할지 모르겠습니다. 당신이 방금 실수를 저질렀고 웃긴 것은 내가 그들에게 수수료가 있으면 신고하라고 말했지만 여전히 수락하지 않았기 때문입니다. 이 사이트가 정말 마음에 들어서 정말 죄송합니다만 이제 다시 신뢰하기가 꺼려집니다!
good afternoon, yesterday I made a 12€ deposit with etherium through binance, I didn't notice that the minimum amount was 100e and I made a normal deposit, after I saw it, I talked to the chat, they guided me until they told me that the money was lost inside binance, they told me that it was sent to the wallet normally so they went into their pocket.. I don't really know what to say if they don't accept to give you 12€ of yours because you just made a mistake and the funny thing is that I told them to also report the commission if there is any and they still didn't accept. I'm very sorry because I really liked this site but now I hesitate to trust it again!