리사이클보너스를 받고 철회를 하려고 했는데 안했다는 문자가 왔는데 지시대로 다 하고 안한게 이해가 안가서 몇번을 시도했는데 항상 같은 대답.
이 카지노는 목록에 없지만 몰타 라이센스가 있습니다.
항상 다음과 같은 메시지가 있었습니다.
Re: 철회 거부됨(티켓 ID - 569578)
10월 13일 수요일 19.54 (3일 전)
-> 나
메시지 번역
영어 비활성화
## - 이 줄 위에 답을 작성하세요. - ##
제이콥 J. (...)
2021년 10월 13일 19.54.19 UTC + 3
친애하는 아스코,
귀하의 출금은 잘못된 지불 세부 정보로 요청되었기 때문에 거부되었습니다.
성공적으로 인출을 시작하려면 아래 단계를 따르십시오.
1단계- 금액 필드에 출금하려는 금액을 입력하고 WITHDRAW 버튼을 클릭하고 2단계로 리디렉션될 때까지 몇 초 동안 기다립니다.
2단계 - 개인 및 청구 정보로 3개의 필드를 입력합니다.
은행 이름 - 은행 이름을 입력하십시오. 필드를 비워두지 마십시오.
수취인 - 성과 이름 입력 - 라틴 문자만 사용
IBAN - IBAN을 입력합니다. 공백이나 -,와 같은 특수 문자는 입력하지 않아야 합니다. + 등 "
SWIFT 코드 - 인출을 요청하는 은행 계좌와 일치해야 합니다.
3단계 - PROCEED 버튼을 클릭하고 REQUEST ACCEPTED 정보 메시지를 기다리면 팝업 창을 닫을 수 있습니다.
참고: 올바른 필드에 올바른 정보를 입력해야 합니다!
시각적 지원을 위해 첨부된 스크린샷을 참조하십시오.
이해해 주셔서 감사합니다!
I got the recycled bonus and I tried to withdraw it but there was a text message that I didn’t do something but I did everything as instructed and I don’t understand what I didn’t do, I tried several times and always got the same answer.
This casino is not on your listings but has a Maltese license.
There was always a message like this:
Re: Withdrawal rejected (Ticket ID - 569578)
Wed 13 Oct 19.54 (3 days ago)
-> me
Translate the message
Disable English
## - Write your answer above this line - ##
Jacob J. (...)
13.10.2021 at 19.54.19 UTC + 3
Dear Asko,
Your withdrawal has been rejected as it had been requested to incorrect payment details.
Please follow the step below to have a successfully initiated withdrawal:
Step 1- Enter the amount you wish to withdraw in the field Amount and click the WITHDRAW button and wait a few seconds to be redirected to step two
Step 2 - Fill in the three fields with your personal and billing info
Bank Name - Fill in your bank name - do NOT leave the field blank
Payee - Fill in your first and last name - use ONLY Latin letters
IBAN - Fill in your IBAN. Please keep in mind that you must not input spaces or any special characters, such as -,. + etc. "
SWIFT code - Note that it must correspond to the bank account are requesting your withdrawal to
Step 3 - Click the PROCEED button and wait for the REQUEST ACCEPTED informative message, once you do, you may close the pop-up window.
NOTE: You MUST enter the correct information in the correct fields!
Please refer to the attached Screenshots for visual assistance.
Thank you for your understanding!
Sain kierrätettyä bonuksen ja yritin kotiutusta mutta tuli tekstiviesti että jäi jotain tekemättä mutta tein kaikki ohjeen mukaan enkä ymmärrä mitä jäi tekemättä , yritin useamman kerran ja tuli aina sama vastaus .
Tämä kasino ei ole teidän listoilla mutta sillä on Maltan lisenssi .
Tuli aina tällainen viesti:
Re: Withdrawal rejected (Ticket ID - 569578)
Support <payments@casinowinbig.com>
ke 13. lokak. 19.54 (3 päivää sitten)
-> minä
Käännä viesti
Poista käytöstä kielessä englanti
##- Kirjoita vastauksesi tämän rivin yläpuolelle -##
Jacob J. (...)
13.10.2021 klo 19.54.19 UTC+3
Dear Asko,
Your withdrawal has been rejected as it had been requested to incorrect payment details.
Please follow the step below to have a successfully initiated withdrawal:
Step 1- Enter the amount you wish to withdraw in the field Amount and click the WITHDRAW button and wait a few seconds to be redirected to step two
Step 2 - Fill in the three fields with your personal and billing info
Bank Name - Fill in your bank name - do NOT leave the field blank
Payee - Fill in your first and last name - use ONLY Latin letters
IBAN - Fill in your IBAN. Please keep in mind that you must not input spaces or any special characters, such as - , . + etc."
SWIFT code - Note that it must correspond to the bank account are requesting your withdrawal to
Step 3 - Click the PROCEED button and wait to see the REQUEST ACCEPTED informative message, once you do, you may close the pop-up window.
NOTE: You MUST enter the correct information in the correct fields!
Please refer to the attached screenshots for visual assistance.
Thank you for your understanding!
자동 번역:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502181413/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)