안녕하세요. 출금에 사용한 카드로 입금했는데, 이해할 수 없게도 출금을 취소했습니다. 계좌에 남은 잔액으로 계속 플레이하는 동안, 그들은 출금을 취소하고 제가 플레이하는 동안 자금을 반환했습니다. 그 결과, 저는 이를 알아차리지 못했고 취소된 출금으로 얻은 상금을 사용하게 되었습니다. 담당자와 대화하면서 출금은 입금과 동일한 방법으로 해야 한다고 들었고, 저는 올바르게 그렇게 했습니다. 나중에 그들은 제가 "거의" 항상 제 명의의 다른 카드로 입금했기 때문에 출금을 취소했다고 말했습니다.
여기에 대화의 스크린샷을 첨부합니다. 

Good evening. Although I made a deposit with the same card I used for withdrawal, they inexplicably canceled my withdrawal. While I continued to play with the remaining balance in my account, they canceled the withdrawal and returned the funds while I was still playing. As a result, I didn't notice this and ended up using the winnings from the canceled withdrawal. In a conversation with a representative, I was informed that the withdrawal had to be made using the same method as the deposit, which I had correctly done. Later, they told me that because I "almost" always made deposits with another card also in my name, they canceled the withdrawal.
Here, I am attaching a screenshot of the conversation.

Καλησπερα.ενω εκανα καταθεση με την ιδια καρτα που εκανα αναληψη μου ακυρωσανε χωρις λογο την αναληψη κ την ωρα που συνεχιζα να παιζα με το υπολοιπο που ειχα αφησει μεσα στον λογαριασμο μου ακυρωσανε την ανακηψη κ επιστρεψανε τα χρηματα την ωρα που επαιζα.Με αποτελεσμα να μην το καταλαβω και να παιξω τα κερδη της ακυρωμενης αναληψης.σε συνομιλίανμε.τον αντιπροσωπο με ενημερωσε οτι η αναληψη πρεπει να γινει με το ιδιο τροπο της καταθεσης οπως πολυ σωστα εκανα.και μετα απο αυτο μου ειπε οτι επειδη "σχεδον" παντα εκανα καταθεσεις με αλλη καρτα παλι στο ονομα μου την ακυρωσανε την αναληψη
Εδω σας παραθετω κ το print screen απο την συνομιλία.

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