좋은 저녁이에요,
위의 사항들에 대한 의견은 다음과 같습니다.
지급 내역:
사이트에 등록한 이후로 4번의 지급(3x500, 1x300€)을 받았고, 매번 은행 송금 형태의 동일한 지급 방법으로 지급되었습니다. 이는 확인되었고 마지막 지급은 2024년 12월 22일에 이루어졌습니다.
제공자로부터 공식적인 설명을 받지 못했습니다. 라이브 채팅으로만 소통할 수 있었지만 도움이 되지 않았습니다.
저는 여러 직원과 여러 번 채팅을 했고, 제 출금이 재무부에서 처리 중이며 3일 이내에 처리될 것이라는 말을 반복해서 들었습니다. 제가 물었을 때, 기술적 문제가 있었거나 시스템 오류로 인해 신청이 취소되었다고 들었습니다.
또 다른 때는 처리가 지연되고 있으며 내 신청이 재무부에서 처리를 기다리고 있다는 설명을 들었습니다.
저는 모든 것을 올바르게 했고 걱정할 필요가 없습니다. 저는 확실히 돈을 받을 것이고 모든 것이 잘 될 것입니다.
게다가 채팅에 참여했던 직원들이 재무부에 내 신청을 최우선 순위로 처리하고 절차를 빠르게 진행하라는 힌트를 주었고, 신청은 곧 완료될 것이라는 진부한 말도 나왔습니다.
다른 채팅에서 저는 모순된 방식으로 제가 직접 취소했다고 들었습니다(물론 제가 취소한 것은 아닙니다). 같은 대화에서 직원은 모든 것이 정확하며 출금에도 같은 방법을 사용해야 한다고 말했습니다.
불행히도, 당신은 헛된 희망만 가질 뿐입니다.
계정 확인:
계정에는 여전히 확인이 필요하지 않다고 나와 있습니다. 저도 적극적으로 요청했고 동의했습니다. 필요하지 않으며 필요한 경우 알림을 받을 것입니다.
그래서 지금까지 아무런 요청도 받지 못했습니다.
의사소통 시도:
저는 수많은 스크린샷과 채팅 로그를 가지고 있습니다. 또한 공식 고객 지원팀에 2개의 이메일을 보냈습니다.
귀하가 제공하신 이메일 주소로 보내드리겠습니다.
여러분의 지지에 감사드리며, 빠르고 긍정적인 결과가 나오기를 바랍니다.
Good evening,
The following comments on the above points:
Payout history:
Since registering on the site, I have received 4 payouts (3x500, 1x 300€), each time with the same payout method in the form of a bank transfer. These were confirmed and the last payout was made on December 22nd, 2024.
I did not receive a formal explanation from the provider. I was only able to communicate via live chat, but that was not helpful.
I have chatted with several employees several times and have repeatedly heard that my withdrawals were awaiting processing by the finance department and that they would be processed within 3 working days. When I asked, I was told that there had been technical difficulties or that the applications had been canceled due to a system error.
Another time it was explained that there was a delay in processing and that my applications were pending processing in the finance department.
I had done everything correctly and should not worry. I would definitely get my money and everything would be fine.
In addition, the platitudes that the employees in the chat had given a hint to the finance department to process my applications with the highest priority and to speed up the process and that they would be completed very soon.
In another chat I was told, in a contradictory way, that I had made the cancellations myself (which of course I had not done). In the same conversation, the employee told me that everything was correct and that I should use the same method for withdrawal again.
Unfortunately, you are only given false hope.
Account confirmation:
The account still says no verification is required. I also proactively asked and agreed to do it. It would not be necessary and I would be notified if it was required.
So I haven’t received any request to date.
communication attempts:
I have numerous screenshots and a chat log. I also have 2 emails to official customer support.
I will send this to the email address you provided.
I thank you for your support and hope for a quick and positive outcome.
Best regards
Guten Abend,
Folgende Ausführungen zu den o.g. Punkten:
Ich habe seit Anmeldung auf der Seite 4 Auszahlungen erhalten (3x500 , 1x 300€) und das jeweils mit derselben Auszahlungsmethode in Form von Banküberweisung. Diese wurden bestätigt und die letzte Auszahlung erfolgte am 22.12.2024 .
Ich habe vom Anbieter keine formelle Erklärung erhalten. Ich habe lediglich mit dem Livechat kommunizieren können, was aber nicht zielführend war.
Ich habe mehrfach im Chat mit mehreren Mitarbeitern geschrieben und habe immer wieder gehört , dass meine Auszahlungen bei der Finanzabzeilung zur Bearbeitung stünden und diese innerhalb von 3 Werktagen bearbeitet werden. Auf Nachfrage wurde mir mal mitgeteilt, dass es technische Schwierigkeiten gegeben hätte oder auch dass die Anträge durch einen Systemfehler storniert worden wären.
Ein anderes Mal wurde erklärt , dass es eine Verzögerung in der Bearbeitung gebe und dass meine Anträge in der Finanzabteilung zur Bearbeitung anstünden.
Ich hätte alles korrekt gestellt und solle mir keine Sorgen machen. Ich bekäme auf jeden Fall mein Geld und alles wäre gut.
Darüberhinaus die Floskeln, dass die Mitarbeiter im Chat einen Hinweis an die Finanzabteilung gegeben hätten, meine Anträge mit höchster Priorität zu bearbeiten und den Vorgang zu beschleunigen und diese sehr bald abgeschlossen sein werden.
In einem anderen Chat wurde mir widersprüchlicher Weise mitgeteilt, dass ich die Stornierungen selbst vorgenommen hätte ( was ich natürlich nicht getan habe). Im selben Gespräch meinte die Mitarbeiterin zu mir , dass alles korrekt wäre und ich dieselbe Methode zur Auszahlung wieder nehmen solle.
Man wird leider nur vertröstet.
Es ist nach wie vor laut Konto keine Verifizierung erforderlich. Ich habe auch proaktiv nachgefragt und mich bereit erklärt diese vorzunehmen. Dies wäre nicht notwendig und ich würde benachrichtigt werden, falls es erforderlich sein sollte.
Ich habe also auch bis heute keine Aufforderung erhalten.
Ich habe zahlreiche Screenshots und ein Chatprotokoll. Zudem 2 e-Mails an den offiziellen Kundensupport.
Diese sende ich Ihnen an die von Ihnen genannte Mail-Adresse zu.
Ich bedanke mich für Ihre Unterstützung und hoffe auf einen schnellen und positiven Ausgang.
Liebe Grüße
자동 번역: