8,000유로를 얻었고 인출하고 싶었습니다. 그들은 이용 약관에도 불구하고 48시간 이내에 지불한다고 모든 곳에서 광고합니다.
뭐, 인증이 필요한 건 알고 있어서 라이브 채팅으로 서류가 필요한지 여러 번 물어봤습니다. 나는 문서가 필요하자마자 이메일을 받게 될 것이라는 말을 항상 들었습니다! 3일만에 왔네요!!!!! 지불금은 48시간 이내에 지급되어야 했지만!
아무튼 요청하신 주소지 증명서(은행 명세서), 신분증, 셀카까지 보내드렸습니다!
3일쯤 지나서 갑자기 서류에 문제가 있다고 하더군요. 문제가 무엇인지는 어디에도 나와 있지 않습니다! 나는 실시간 채팅으로 돌아갔습니다. 수천 개의 이메일을 받은 후에 주소 증명이 잘못된 것으로 추정되었습니다. Lisa가 나에게 다음과 같은 표준 문자를 보냈습니다.
주소 증명: 청구서(공과금, 운영비), 세금 신고서, 은행 명세서 등 성명과 현재 거주지를 보여주는 모든 문서를 업로드할 수 있습니다. 이 문서는 3개월을 넘지 않아야 합니다.
분명 BANK STATEMENT라고 적혀 있어서 문제가 무엇인지 물었는데 그게 한 달도 안 된 가장 최근의 문제였습니다.
갑자기 그들은 두 개의 동일한 문서를 원하지 않는다고 말했습니다. 뭐?!
그랬더니 내 셀카가 괜찮지 않다고 하더군요. 신분증을 들고 셀카를 찍기로 했는데요. 그건 어디에도 언급되지 않았어!!!!!!
이제 모든 것을 다시 보냈지만 일주일 이상이 걸릴 것이며 어떤 일이 발생하기 전에 더 많은 결함을 발견할 것이라고 가정합니다. 채팅은 미리 작성된 표준 이메일로 99%의 시간 동안 응답합니다!
그들은 "48시간 이내"를 광고하지만 3일 후에 문서를 요구하고(48시간 이내에 알아차렸어야 함) 돈을 다시 잃지 않기를 바라며 지불하지 않는 새로운 변명을 찾습니다!
I won 8,000 euros and wanted to withdraw it. They advertise everywhere that they pay out within 48 hours, even in the terms and conditions.
Well, I know that verification is necessary, so I asked several times in the live chat if documents were needed. I was always told that I would receive an email as soon as the documents were needed! It came after 3 days!!!!!! even though the payout was supposed to be within 48 hours!
Anyway, I sent the requested documents such as proof of address (bank statement), ID card, AND a selfie!
After another 3 days, they suddenly said there were issues with the documents. Nowhere does it say what the problem is! I went back to the live chat: after what felt like a thousand emails, the proof of address was supposedly incorrect. Lisa sent me the standard text:
Proof of address: You can upload any document showing your full name and current residence, e.g., bills (utility, operating costs), tax returns, bank statements. This document must not be older than 3 months.
I asked what the issue was since it clearly said BANK STATEMENT, and that was the most recent, not even a month old.
Suddenly, they said they don't want two identical documents. Huh?!
Then they said my selfie was not okay. I was supposed to take a selfie with my ID card. THAT WASN'T MENTIONED ANYWHERE!!!!!!
Now I have sent everything again, but it will take over a week, and I assume they will find more faults before anything happens. The chat replies 99% of the time with prewritten standard emails!
They advertise "within 48 hours," but after 3 days, they ask for documents (which they should have noticed within 48 hours) and then find new excuses why they aren't paying out, hoping you'll lose the money again!
Ich habe 8.000 Euro gewonnen und wollte diese Auszahlen. Überall bewerben sie innerhalb von 48 Stunden auszuzahlen, selbst in den AGB.
Gut, ich weiß, dass man sich verifizieren muss und habe deswegen mehrmals nachgefragt im Livechat ob Dokumente gebraucht werden. Es hieß immer sobald diese gebraucht werden, werde ich eine E-Mail bekommen! Die kam nach 3 Tagen!!!!!! obwohl nach 48 Stunden die Auszahlung sein sollte!
Naja ich habe die angeforderten Dokumente wie Adressnachweis (Kontoauszug), Personalausweis UND Selfie geschickt!
Nach 3 weiteren Tagen hieß es auf einmal es gäbe Probleme mit den Dokumenten. Nirgendwo steht was das Problem ist! Ich wieder in den Livechat: Nach gefühlt tausend Mails stimmte der Adressnachweis nicht. Sie (Lisa) schickte mir den Standarttext:
Adressnachweiss : Dazu können Sie ein beliebiges Dokument hochladen, aus dem Ihr vollständiger Name und Ihr aktueller Wohnsitz hervorgehen. Z.B. Rechnungen (Nebenkosten, Betriebskosten), Steuererklärungen, Kontoauszüge.
Dieser Dokument darf nicht älter als 3 Monate sein.
Ich fragte wo das Problem ist da ja KONTOAUSZUG draufsteht und das war der aktuellste, also keinen Monat Alt.
Auf einmal hieß es sie wollen keine 2 identischen Dokumente. Hääääää?!
Dann hieß es mein Selfie wäre nicht in Ordnung. Ich soll ein Selfie mit meinem Personalausweis machen. DAS STAND ABER NIRGENDWO!!!!!!
Jetzt habe ich alles erneut zugeschickt aber das wird dann über eine Woche dauern, gehe eh davon aus Sie haben noch etwas zu bemängeln, bis eventuell mal was passiert? Der Chat antwortet zu 99% mit vorgefertigten Standartmails!
Sie bewerben mit "innerhalb von 48 Stunden" aber nach 3 Tagen verlangen Sie erst Dokumente (sollte denen ja nach spätestens 48 Stunden auffallen) um dann immer neue Ausreden zu finden wieso Sie nicht auszahlen in der Hoffnung man verballert das Geld nochmal!
자동 번역: