안녕하세요 팀 여러분.... 이 카지노에서 출금에 문제가 있습니다... 제 계좌에 €13,900이 있는데, 그 중 €800 x 3이 보류 상태이고 3월 14일과 15일 이후로 아무 일도 일어나지 않았습니다... 채팅에서 물었더니 동료와 상의한 결과 제 출금이 우선순위가 있다고 했지만, 벌써 4일이 지났습니다... 불행히도 이메일로 답변을 받지 못해서 의심이 듭니다... 카지노에서 이루어진 모든 활동의 스크린샷, 채팅 기록, 돈이 언제 나올지에 대한 설명을 요청하며 보낸 이메일이 있습니다...
저는 지불과 관련해 공정하지 않다는 것을 증명하기 위해 모든 것을 제출할 것입니다.
보너스 없이 플레이했습니다!!
Inpay를 통해 500€의 지급을 받은 후
Hello team....I'm having problems with withdrawals in this casino...I have €13,900 in my account, of which 3 x €800 are on hold and nothing has happened since March 14th and 15th.....when I asked in the chat, I was told in consultation with a colleague that my withdrawal has priority, but it's been 4 days now....unfortunately, I haven't received a reply by email, which is making me suspicious....I have screenshots of all the casino's actions, the chat history, the emails I sent with the request for at least a statement as to when the money will be flowing....
I will submit everything so that I can prove that it is not fair when it comes to payments....
played without bonus!!
Once I received a payout via Inpay of 500€
Hallo Team….habe Probleme bei den Auszahlungen in diesen Casino ……habe 13900€ am Konto von denen ich 3x800€ in der Warteschleife habe seid dem 14.3 und 15.3 nichts mehr tut…..auf Anfragen im Chat wurde mir mitgeteilt in Rücksprache mit einem Kollegen das meine Auszahlung Priorität hat aber sind auch schon wieder 4 Tage her….zu meinen Bedauern bekomme ich nicht eine Antwort per email was mich schon stutzig macht….habe von den ganzen Aktionen des Casinos Screenshots Chatverlauf die Emails die ich geschickt habe mit der Bitte wenigstens eine Aussage zu machen wann die Gelder fließen….
werde alles einreichen damit ich beweisen kann das es nicht fair ist was Zahlungen betrifft….
ohne Bonus gespielt !!
einmal habe ich eine Auszahlung bekommen per Inpay von 500€
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