Playzilla 팀 여러분,
투명성을 위해 위에 언급하신 이메일을 여기에 올려드립니다.

불행히도, 다시 한번, 제출된 ORIGINAL 및 UNALTERED 입금 영수증에서 무엇이 누락되었는지에 대한 설명 없이 표준적인 답변을 받았습니다. 예를 들어, 주요 신용 카드 제공업체 중 하나의 신용 카드 명세서가 수락되지 않으면 Playzilla는 저에게 평판이 좋은 제공업체처럼 보이지 않습니다.
후자는 Playzilla가 GDPR 등의 법적 요구 사항을 준수하지 않는 데서 기인합니다.
Playzilla는 고객에게 정보를 제공하는 데 관심이 없는 듯합니다. 게다가 Playzilla는 법적 요구 사항도 준수하지 않는 듯합니다. 위 참조. Art. 15 GDPR에 따른 정보 요청은 기한 내에 답변되지 않았습니다.
이에 따라 해당 운영자, 모회사 및 제휴 결제 처리업체를 상대로 관련 데이터 보호 감독 기관에 불만을 제기했습니다.
추가적인 법적 조치도 취해질 것입니다.
Casinoguru 커뮤니티 여러분,
제 경험에 따르면 Playzilla의 사건 처리 방식은 심각하지 않습니다. 괴롭힘 외에도 Playzilla는 관련 법률을 무시하는 듯합니다. Playzilla가 규제 요구 사항에 어떻게 대응하는지 살펴보겠습니다.
제 추천: Playzilla에 등록하는 번거로움을 스스로 피하세요. 이런 문제가 없는 다른 운영자들이 많이 있습니다. Casinoguru에서 Playzilla에 대한 "좋은" 리뷰는 이해하기 어렵습니다.
Dear Playzilla Team,
For the sake of transparency, here is the email you mentioned above:

Unfortunately, once again, a standard response without any clarification as to what was missing from the submitted ORIGINAL and UNALTERED deposit slips. If, for example, a credit card statement from one of the major credit card providers is not accepted, then Playzilla doesn't seem like a reputable provider to me.
The latter is underpinned by Playzilla's NON-COMPLIANCE with legal requirements - such as the GDPR.
It appears that Playzilla has no interest in providing information to its customers. Furthermore, it appears that Playzilla is not complying with legal requirements either – see above. The request for information pursuant to Art. 15 GDPR was not answered within the deadline.
As a result, a complaint is now being filed with the relevant data protection supervisory authorities against the operator, parent company and affiliated payment processors.
Further legal action will also be taken.
Dear Casinoguru Community,
Based on my experience, Playzilla's case handling is anything but serious. In addition to the harassment, Playzilla also appears to be ignoring applicable laws. Let's see how Playzilla responds to regulatory requirements.
My recommendation: Save yourself the trouble of registering with Playzilla. There are plenty of other operators that don't have such problems. The "good" reviews of Playzilla on Casinoguru are hard to understand.
Liebes Playzilla Team,
aus Transparenzgründen hier die von Ihnen oben erwähnte E-Mail:

Leider - mal wieder - eine Standardantwort ohne Klärung, was bei den eingereichten ORIGINALEN und UNVERÄNDERTEN Einzahlungsnachweisen fehlt. Wenn z.B. eine Kreditkartenabrechnung von einem der großen Kreditkartenanbieter nicht akzeptiert wird, dann erscheint mir Playzilla als kein seriöses Anbieter.
Letzteres wird durch die NICHT-EINHALTUNG von gesetzlichen Vorgaben durch Playzilla - wie z.B. die DSGVO - untermauert.
Es scheint, dass Playzilla keine Interesse an der Aufklärung i.S.d. Kunden hat. Zudem scheint es, dass Playzilla sich auch nicht an gesetzlichen Vorgaben hält - siehe oben. Das Auskunftsersuchen gemäß Art. 15 DSGVO wurde nicht fristgemäß beantwortet.
Infolgedessen wird nun Beschwerde bei den zuständigen Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörden ggü. dem Betreiber, Muttergesellschaft sowie angeschlossene Zahlungsabwickler eingereicht.
Zudem werden weitere rechtliche Schritte eingeleitet.
Liebe Casinoguru Community,
basierend auf meinen Erfahrungen, ist die Fallbearbeitung von Playzilla alles andere als seriös. Neben Schikanen scheint Playzilla sich auch nicht an geltendes Recht zu halten. Mal sehen, wie Playzilla nun auf behördliche Auflagen reagieren wird.
Meine Empfehlung: Spart Euch die Anmeldung bei Playzilla. Es gibt genug andere Betreiber, bei denen es keine derartige Probleme vorhanden sind. Die „guten" Bewertungen zu Playzilla auf Casinoguru lassen sich für nicht nachvollziehen.
자동 번역: