사실 별이 아깝다. 즉각적이라고 쓰여진 곳에 € 100를 입금했습니다. 그러나 그렇지 않았습니다. 상담원과 상담 후 다시 입금하고 가지고 놀면 다른 사람이 입금을 인출할 수 있다고 들었습니다.
그러나 그것이 작동하지 않았다는 것은 놀라운 일입니다.
이 카지노에는 설명할 수 없는 T&C가 있습니다!
당신이 원하는대로 결정하는 곳.
그래서 나는 보너스에 의해 막히지 않은 내 돈을 3X로 베팅하여 인출해야 합니다. 여기가 어디야???
제대로 된 사기! 떨어져!!
Actually doesn't deserve any stars. Made a deposit of €100 where it was written that it was instant. However, that was not the case. After consultation with an agent, I was told that if I deposit again and play with it, that others can withdraw the deposits.
But what a surprise it didn't work.
Where you just decide how you want.
So I have to wager my money, which is not blocked by any bonuses, 3X to withdraw it. where is this???
Proper scam! stay away!!
Eigentlich gar keine Sterne verdient. Habe eine Einzahlung gemacht in Höhe von 100€ wo geschrieben war, dass es instant ist. Jedoch nicht so war. Nach Absprache mit einem Agent wurde mir gesagt dass wenn ich nochmal einzahlen und damit spiele, dass andere eingezahlte auszahlen lassen kann.
Aber was eine Überraschung es ging nicht.
Wo sie einfach entscheiden wie sie wollen.
So muss ich mein Geld, welches von keinen Boni gesperrt ist 3X umsetzen um es auszahlen zu lassen. Wo gibts sowas???
Richtiger Betrug! Bleibt fern !!