첫 입금과 거의 같은 시기에 계좌가 인증되었지만, 이번 배팅 문제로 인해 최근에 입금에 대한 추가 서류와 셀카를 요구했습니다.
귀하가 요청하신 주소로 해당 베팅 내역을 보내드리겠습니다.
가장 최근의 대화는 어제, 2025년 3월 20일로, 채팅에서 베팅이 완료되었고 모든 것이 괜찮을 것이라고 말했지만, 메시지를 작성할 당시에는 출금 요청이 아직 승인되지 않았습니다. 이전에는 베팅 문제 상황이 같은 패턴을 따랐습니다. 처음에는 모든 것이 괜찮다고 말했지만, 출금 요청을 한 후에는 항상 거부당했고, 채팅에서 물었을 때는 베팅 요구 사항에 대해 들었습니다.
The account was verified around the same time as the first deposit, but now with this wagering issue they have also recently asked me for additional documents about the deposit, as well as a selfie.
I will send that betting history to you at the address you requested.
The latest conversation is from yesterday, March 20, 2025, when they said in the chat that the wagering has been completed and everything should be ok, but the withdrawal request has not yet been approved at the time of writing the message. Previously, the situation with the wagering problem went along the same pattern, at first they say that everything is ok, but after making the withdrawal request it has always been rejected and when asked in the chat they have been told about the wagering requirement.
Tili on vahvistettu samoihin aikoihin ensimmäisen talletuksen kanssa, mutta nyt tämän kierrätysongelman myötä he myös vaativat minulta hiljattain lisädokumentteja talletuksesta, sekä myös selfien.
Lähetän tuon panostushistorian sinulle pyytämääsi osoitteeseen.
Viimeisin keskustelu on eiliseltä 20.3.2025, jolloin he chatista sanoivat että kierrätys on suoritettu ja kaiken pitäisi olla ok, mutta nostopyyntö ei vielä viestin kirjoittamishetkellä ole hyväksytty. Aikaisemmin kierrätysongelman kanssa tilanne meni samalla kaavalla, alkuun sanotaan että kaikki on ok, mutta nostopyynnön tekemisen jälkeen se on hylätty aina ja kysyttäessä chatista on kerrottu kierrätysvaatimuksesta.
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