입금을 했는데 카지노가 은행에서 내 돈을 인출하는 동안 내 계좌에 입금되지 않았습니다...
수십통의 불만사항을 제기하고 수십통의 이메일을 보냈으나 답변이 없습니다...
마침내 그들이 나에게 응답했을 때 그들은 나에게 돈을 돌려줄 수 있는 증빙 서류를 요청했습니다.
보냈더니 돌려줬다고 하네요
그 돈은 결코 나에게 돌아오지 않았고 반달이 지났습니다.
이것을 도난이라고합니다 !!!!!
내 돈을 환불해주세요
I made a deposit and while the casino withdrew my money from the bank it never credited it to my account...
I made dozens of complaints and sent dozens of emails and they don't answer me...
when they finally answered me they asked me for supporting documents to return the money back to me.
I sent them to them and they said they have returned them
The money NEVER came back to me and it's been half a month
This is called theft !!!!!
Please refund my money
Έκανα κατάθεση κ ενώ Το καζίνο τράβηξε τα χρήματα μου από τη τράπεζα δεν μου τα πιστωσε ποτέ στο λογαριασμό μου...
Έκανα δεκάδες παράπονα κ έστειλα δεκαδες email κ δεν μου απαντάνε...
όταν τελικά μου απάντησαν μου ζήτησαν δικαιολογητικά για να μου επιστρέψουν πίσω τα χρήματα.
Τους τα έστειλα κ είπαν πως τα έχουν επιστρέψει
Τα χρήματα δεν ήρθαν ΠΟΤΕ πίσω σε εμένα κ έχει περάσει μίσος μήνας
Αυτό λεγεται κλοπή !!!!!
Παρακαλώ επιστρέψτε μου τα χρήματα μου