제발, 나는 정말로 당신에게 해를 끼치려는 의도가 없습니다. 나는 단지 "갑작스런 발언"을하는 것을 좋아하지 않으며 모든 사람이 가장 빠르고 가장 빠른 "정규 테이블 토론"에 대해 전혀 생각해 본 적이 없습니다. 100km당 휘발유 소비량이 3리터에 불과하고 "전설"이 그 일부인 강력하고 가장 빠른 자동차입니다.
그럼 귀하가 본 회사 및 대차대조표/손익계산서(손익계산서)와 설명(손익 부록) 중 하나 이상을 제시해 주십시오.
단순히 '채용하지 않는 것'은 '키도 상관없고 어차피 근거도 없는 것'이라는 터무니없는 주장으로 단순히 설명될 수 없는 경우일 뿐이다. 어떤 전무 이사도(그가 이전에 훈련을 통해 "문지기"였으며 중등 학교 졸업장도 받지 않은 경우를 제외하고) 그런 말도 안되는 소리를 주장하고 확실히 실행하지 않을 것입니다!
"조항"(법적 용어(!))을 설정하거나 설정하지 않는 데는 "재량의 여지"가 없으며 오히려 명확한 규정이 있습니다.
어떤 형태로든 경영학을 전공했거나 최소한 상업 교육을 받은 적이 있다면 이 사실을 알 것입니다. 나는 당신의 말에서 알 수 있습니다: 그것은 당신에게 좋다고 생각하는 것이 아닙니다!
그 이유는 간단합니다. 일반적으로 바보가 아닌 회사의 전무이사/이사회의 책임은 소송에서 승리하더라도 돈을 얻기가 얼마나 어려운지 보여줍니다. 왜냐하면 그들은 당연히 훌륭한 변호사에게 의존하기 때문입니다. 재정적으로나 개인적으로 당신에게 위험할 수 있는 모든 일을 하십시오!
Please, I really don't mean any harm to you, I just don't like making "out-of-the-blue statements" and have never thought anything of "regulars' table discussions" in which everyone has the fastest, most powerful, fastest car that only has 3 liters Gasoline consumed per 100 km and "hearsay" is part of it.
Then please give at least one of your examples, the company and the balance sheet / the P&L (profit and loss statement) that you have seen, and the explanation/explanation (the appendix to the P&L).
It is simply the case that the "non-hiring" could not simply be explained with such absurd claims as "they would be irrelevant in terms of height and unfounded anyway". No managing director (unless he had previously been a "gatekeeper" by training and didn't even have a secondary school diploma) would claim such sheer nonsense and certainly not carry it out!
There is no "margin of discretion" for setting/or not setting "provisions" (that is a legal term(!)) but rather clear regulations.
If you had any form of business administration or at least commercial training, you would know this. I can tell from your words: That's not what I think is good for you!
The reason is simple: the liability of the company's managing director/board of directors, who are generally not idiots, which is shown by how difficult it is to get the money despite winning lawsuits, because they of course rely on excellent lawyers , before you do anything that could be dangerous to you, both financially and personally!
Bitte, ich will dir wirklich nichts böses, ich mag nur keine "Behauptungen ins Blaue" hinein, und habe noch nie etwas von "Stammtischgesprächen" gehalten, in denen jeder das schnellste, PS-stärkste, schnellste Auto hat, dass nur 3-l Benzin auf 100 km verbraucht und "Hörensagen" gehört dazu.
Dann nenn doch bitte einmal wenigstens eins von deinen Beispielen, das Unternehmen und die Bilanz / die G&V (Gewinn und Verlustrechnung) die du eingesehen hast, und die Erklärung/Erläuterung (den Anhang zur G&V).
Es ist ganz einfach so, dass das "Nichteinstellen" nicht einfach mit so absurden Behauptungen wie "sie wären von der Höhe irrelevant und sowieso unbegründet" erklärbar wäre. Kein Geschäftsführer (es sei denn, er wäre von der Ausbildung her vorher "Pförtner" gewesen und hätte nicht einmal einen Hauptschulabschluss) würde solch einen baren Unsinn behaupten und erst recht nicht vollziehen!
Für das Einstellen/oder nicht Einstellen von "Rückstellungen" (das ist ein Rechtsbegriff(!)) gibt es keinen "Ermessensspielraum" sondern eindeutige Bestimmungen.
Wenn du in irgend einer Form eine BWL-, oder zumindestens eine kaufmännische Ausbildung hättest, wüstest du dies. Deinen Worten kann ich entnehmen: Das ist nicht so, was ich dir zu Gute halte!
Der Grund ist simpel: Die Haftung des Geschäftsführers / Vorstands der Gesellschaft, die in der Regel keine Idioten sind, was sich doch gerade darin zeigt, wie schwierig es ist, trotz gewonnener Prozesse an das Geld zu kommen, weil diese natürlich auf hervorragende Juristen zurückgreifen, bevor sie etwas tun, was Ihnen gefährlich werden könnte, sowohl monetär wie auch persönlich!
자동 번역: