1시간내로 출금한다고 하는데 1회만 출금이 되고 2회 출금신청해도 출금이 안되고 채팅에 연락을 해도 답장도 안오네요 그리고 정말 끔찍하게 돈을 인출할 수 없는 회사여서 인출을 취소할 수 밖에 없었고, 그 덕분에 2000달러를 잃었습니다. 정말 끔찍한 환불을 원합니다.
Although it says that it will be withdrawn within an hour, it was withdrawn only at the first time, and even if I requested withdrawal the second time, it was not withdrawn and even if I contacted the chat, I did not even get a reply and it is a really terrible company I can't withdraw money, so I had no choice but to cancel the withdrawal, and thanks to that, I lost 2000 $. I really want a terrible refund.