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I will probably never in my life decide to deposit any funds into this casino Because today is the 4th or 5th week of trying to even pass player verification there is no way to contact customer service either by email or chat the chat is handled by Mr. Bot if verification in the 21st century takes them so many days what if the withdrawal is processed by them exactly the same even in the event of problems with the withdrawal there is no Where to apply for help the casino offers 10 free spins after identity verification I think I understand why they even have such an offer Because probably no one in their right mind would want to waste so much time on getting some 10 free spins and where the winnings will be 10 cents or they are not able to pass it at all because no sorry these are not the times to have such requirements in relation to 10 free pins Especially since there are much easier to access casinos with a better offer that do not require any verification or at least these are automatic verifications where it takes a maximum of 15 minutes if you want to take a nice selfie
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